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I'm using µTorrent since 1.1 and on my desktop the file name is "utorrent-1.1.1-dev.exe" but my vesrion is 1.1.7

That's not the problem... just wanted to know if it's normal that the autoupdate is not working now?

At start nothing happen so I go by the Help menu to check for update and I get: Unable to contact µtorrent update server.

I know I can download the file but I'm just curious if server is not available because overloaded or something else.

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Not related to the topic but PunBB act funny with my sig again this time. 2nd time I notice this. I wonder if the author would like to check that but yet I see only a forum where to report and I'm not sure I want to subscribe just to report one problem so any other way to email him?

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ok anyway sorry if I was out of the subject for a few messages...

Now, if I was the author of PunBB I would like to know about this so I may just take a look.. I understand it's not a very big problem but on the path to get a better product it's fun to know a problem exist.

I just found PunBB email so I'll let him know.

Thanks and you may no close this topic.

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