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Stops uploading once it's done downloading...


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Every time I download something utorrent stops uploading once it is done downloading. It works fine while it's downloading however.

It's really causing problems with keeping my ratio up at certain sites.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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I'm having the same problem with every torrent I dl

when I dl it connects to everyone and then it just stops the minute it's done

when I test the port under the speed guide it says it allows incoming connections - but I constantly have the yellow triangle stating that I have no incoming connections

in the log there is nothing wrong - it says the port is mapped and working

I've tried disabling the firewall (only one on the computer right now is windows), disabled DHT, enabling encryption (tried both with legacy connections enabled and disabled), lessened the number of global connections to 200, made the upload setting unlimited, etc.

Any suggestions?

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Do you have intial seeding enabled?

(This feature seems to be removed though in v1.7 betas!?!)

QUITE likely, your ISPs are preventing BitTorrent seeding.

If peer.lazy_bitfield is set to true, then there's not much else you can do...besides change ISPs.

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I do not have initial seeding enabled as I believe youre only supposed to do that if youre the only seeder or one of two - and I'm not

This is what I see when I enable the "log peer traffic option"

[17:16:48] : Connecting: port 63215

[17:16:49] : Connecting: port 62750

[17:16:49] : [µTorrent/1610 ]: Encrypted handshake completed

[17:16:49] : [µTorrent/1610 ]: Encrypted handshake completed

[17:16:49] : [µTorrent/1610 ]: Disconnect: Connection closed

[17:16:49] : [µTorrent/1610 ]: Disconnect: Connection closed

when i enable the verbose option i see errors like this:

[18:53:21] : Disconnect: Peer error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

[18:53:22] : Disconnect: Peer error: offline (timed out)

but its for every person i connect to every day for the past few days which makes it seem like me and not them (especially since theyre connecting to someone else and dl the file)

what do you mean by "peer.lazy_bitfield"?

Also it worked for awhile and then it just stopped one day and I had not changed anything

It's my own router, everything is encrypted and I believe I have the rates set low enough that it should not be causing any problems with the ISP - I have roadrunner in NYC and I have not seen it on any bad ISP lists

In addition - I have tried it on a different ISP at a friends and it caused the same issue even though it said that the port was open. so it is NOT the ISP

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File > Preferences > Queuing ....middle right: Seed While [Default Values]. Ratio is: (number).

If you have it set to 100% (instead of an original higher default), you will stop seeding when you've reached 100% (which means you've stopped downloading).

If the box under "When torrent has reached the seeding goal" is checked, the KB/s number associated may be too small to tempt the interest of the torrent's peers, and they disappear back into the swarm to associate with faster uploaders.

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Of course, since nobody else has suggested it, is find out what your queue settings are, and if Max # Active Torrents, and Max # Active Downloads, are both the same number, make max active downloads, 1 less than the total, so you'll always be seeding a torrent while downloading others...

-- Smoovious

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I changed the <% to 400 or some other outrageously large number if that changed things (it had been set to 150%) but that did not seem to make a difference

and no the box to stop seeding once the goal has been reached was not checked

I have the upload set to unlimited and in re: to smoovious: this is occurring at all times even when nothing is downloading

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ultima: i said i was using my own router, while I have tried on my campus in the past that has not been one of the 2 locations I've tried recently as it is now summer break (and I know a lot of people who use utorrent on campus so I don't even think that would be a problem)

and switeck: I have roadrunner which has not been on ANY of the lists ive found, im using my own router, the connection is encrypted both by utorrent and the router and I have all of the settings set to the lower amounts suggested for throwing off throttling (lower global and per seeds then the default)

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