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how to keep unbanned a peer?


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thats all. i want to know how to keep unbanned a peer, the problem isnt waste 10 o 20 mb from him, if i can download from that peer 400 or 500 mb in one hour, i know that in advaced- reset ban list i can do it, but utorrent ban that peer every hour and i can stay in front of the pc 24 hrs...

how to keep unbanned forever that peer?

thanks in advance 4 ur help.

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im downloading a big torrent 35 gb pack, im almost at 70% from that percentage, almost 50 % i downloaded from that peer that utorrent insist in ban, i understand that theres a corrupt file what do i need to do, wait a little bit for download that part from another peer and keep download the rest from that peer (hes at 100%)?

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