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utorrent kills my router


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Using the latest uTorrent (1.7.x) with winXP on the default port. I have the port forwarded on my router. uTorrent works fine, but when it's running everything else that uses connectivity is super slow, to the point where it usually doesn't even work. I'm talking web pages not loading, MSN can't connect, etc. Killing uTorrent isn't enough. I have to kill uTorrent and restart my router. I have 2 computers running off my router. THe other PC doesn't even have uTorrent, but it's effected too. So, uTorrent is doing something to my router. Should I try just changing the port? If that doesn't work I guess i'll just use ABC, cause Azureus sucks too.

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hmmm, well... I don't feel like trouble shooting. I work with computers all day. I think i'll just install ABC or go back to Azureus, much easier then messing with settings. And yes, i am indirectly mocking the programming of uTorrent. Well, i suppose i'm directly mocking it now.

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Killing uTorrent isn't enough. I have to kill uTorrent and restart my router.

Too many simultaneous connections, not enough router memory.

1. Turn off DHT

2. Set global max number of connections to 150

Problem solved.

Azureus probably already has these lower settings, or makes fewer DHT connections than uTorrent does.

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@nos_slived, don't you think it would be smarter to program it to work out of the box? Instead of having to mess with settings? It should be the opposite. Mess with the settings to optimize it. Not mess with the settings to make it work. I have a Linksys G router. Isn't that a pretty good router? Ok!! i will download again and try to fix it! Stand by....

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The troubleshooting guide tells of numerous things to try:


µTorrent won't work out of the box perfectly because some boxes are defective and/or slow. Dial-up requires vastly different settings than even low-end broadband. But Speed Guide (CTRL+G) should handle most decent setups ok. Only weak networking software and hardware will require further changes...which unfortunately it seems you have.

Try decreasing µTorrent's net.max_halfopen value to only 1-4.

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I think i may have found the issue. I was manually forwarding the port, but I also had uPNP enabled. I didn't think this would matter. Anyway, it's seems ok now. The weird thing is, i can't reproduce the problem now. If I put the check back in uPNP it's still ok. Maybe a coincidence. I don't know. My system is pretty clean, I don't think it's OS flakiness. I have a 3mb/s connection too...

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