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uTorrent just doesn't start

Leonard Cohen

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uTorrent is my favourite torrent program. But ever since it offered me to install the new version and I clicked yes, it just... doesn't start. It doesn't give any error message or anything, it's just as though I hadn't clicked anything. Nothing at all happens. I tried uninstalling it completely and reinstalling it from scratch, several times, but it still doesn't move.

So now I'm forced to use Azureus, which SUCKS!!! Help!

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No that's not it... I use the basic Windows firewall but utorrent is in the exceptions list. Just to make sure I tried disabling the firewall and it still does the same thing, no reaction when I click utorrent.

Edit: I managed to get ahold of the 1.6.1. version again when downloading the WebUI thing... It works. I think I'll stick with that one and decline all update offers for now.

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