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disk cache - optimizations


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Generally I have plenty of free physical memory to spare.. so I want to cut down hard disk read and write accesses to a minimum.

Therefore I disabled "write out finished pieces immediately". But it's still not working as I imagine it should... please enlighten me. I didn't touch the memory allocation setting.. so it's still 32MB (default). But it never gets even close to 32MB. In the write statistics window you can see the progress bar to grow up to ~13MB then it drops back to 6MB. Results vary. Shouldn't it write all the parts into memory and only write to the disk when the cache is all full? Overriding the automatic cache size and using a value of 128MB for example also has no effect on the described behaviour. It still acts the same way.

Regarding the reading cache.. why should it be turned off with slow uploads? My upload is about 40kb/s.. it's considered slow (well it is.. but that's another topic).. still I want read caching don't I? Do I preferably share pieces I have in memory? Or is there no such priority handling?

just trying to understand and optimize my configuration. Any input is much appreciated.

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isn't caching more useful with slow downloads?

Assuming I have a download speed of 2MB/s.. that would fiill up my cache memory really fast. Assuming I have a slow download rate (like 50kb/s).. it takes much more time to fill an equal amount of memory.. so caching in that case would be more reasonable because I don't have to write to the disk every other second because the cache doesn't fill as rapidly as it does when having a fast download speed.

Am I barking up the wrong tree?

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I didn't say a word about disabling the cache! In fact I like my harddisks very much :P

Therefore I want to *optimize* caching - and I don't see the point why it is disabled for slow uploads (read-wise) - and why it doesn't consume nearly as much memory as I allow it to use.

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