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Issue with Torrents


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Ok, I have checked the FAQ and found that I am unlucky enough to have invested in a Linksys router which means my uTorrent connections hang for five days.. Anyway, I can only assume that this is causing one of my problems downloading which is whenever I try to download a Torrent I get errors saying:

"Failure: Connection Limit Exceeded! You may only leech from one location at a time"

Which is infact what I am doing as I only have one 'location'.

Anyway on I go trying get around it before checking the FAQ, and manage to download the torrent through Opera, but now I'm stuck with parts to a TV-Show and no way of 'putting it together', and with no idea how to go about it. Any programs or..?

Also I'm on Vista which means I was probably screwed from the beginning, but I'd love it if anyone could give me a hand, cheers.

(FYI I have used uTorrent for about the past year on my PC at home, but now I'm at Uni and just installed it on a laptop its all going wrong).

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Ok.. Right, so I'm redownloading files now, and my green light won't come on, and the port is forwarded correctly and I have 7 seeds and 1 peer. I've had a read of the FAQ again, and my firewall isn't blocking utorrent, I've run the speed tests 3 times now and I'm sure I have the right settings, I also reset and configured my router so the connection doesn't hang any more with the update, so basically I'm stuck again, really sorry to keep asking but trying myself doesn't seem to get me anywhere.

It says I have no incoming connections even though it is downloading just at about 1kB/s..

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