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connecting to peers


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although my speeds are quite good (can DL 1.4MB/s from any private tracker) i'm wondering about the whole connecting to peers thing. i use utorrent and my firewalls, modem and so on are all setup properly so no worries there.

ex1. if 'super latest cool movie.torrent' has 3467 seeds and 4442 peers my connection will look like this... 24(3467) 28(4442).

why can't i get something a bit better like... 2600(3467) 3098(4442)?? is that even possible??

this has been bugging for a loooong time and i fail to understand why utorrent cannot connect to thousands of peers for one torrent.

right now the...

'global max of connections' = 200

'max connected peers per torrent' = 40

will changing these numbers to thousands make a difference at all?

'dht' is off

'UPnp port mapping' is on

'NAT-PMP port mapping' is on

sorry if this was already answered, did a search and found nothing to satisfy me.

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why can't i get something a bit better like... 2600(3467) 3098(4442)?? is that even possible??

Those numbers are horridly worse actually, your connection would be spending so much bandwidth and time acknowledging pieces that it wouldn't have ANY room for real data.

With BitTorrent, connecting to more does not give you better speeds. Connecting to thousands of peers would simply kill your connection, either by protocol overhead, or by simply crushing the capabilities of your connection's hardware.

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