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Vista utorrent bad xp good


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Please Help I have recently purchased a new laptop with vista on and the first thing I did was install utorrent but I have never had a good download speed I have tried everything, forwarded my ports run the speed test guide and set up for upload even put a patch for vista to open half open connections,

If anybody is running utorrent on a wireless laptop please tell me how you have set yours up I'm so desperate cause it's the only reason I bought this laptop really


Nortan anti-virus 360 new release

vista 32bit

aol 2mb connection

netgear DG834v3 wireless router

Utorrent 1.7.5 supposebly vista enabled

please help me

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I have the same problem and was just in the process of making another (Oh god, not ANOTHER) topic, but luckily saw this before I posted.

I have utorrent on both XP and Vista, both port fowarded, both with firewall exceptions made. Using the same torrent at roughly the same time (but not exactly to avoid local peer), the XP machine gets about Down: 280 kbs, Up: 310 kps while the Vista gets Down: .8 kbs, Up: 180 kbs (yeah, I have a ratio like 30.0:1 :D) .

I've followed the three holy grail threads in admin sigs (lurked around for about a week before posting) and got the internet and router difficulties to go away, but am left with the current situation (although Vista utor never worked beforehand). On Vista I've installed the tcpip.sys patch, updated my dual-core AMD proc. driver, and done everything with the router and firewall as stated.

...Yes, the router is a Linksys wrt54gs, *shame*, but since it works for XP....

Awaiting some brilliant minds, or at least someone to show that I am in fact stupid and missed something obvious.

EDIT: The port light is in fact red on Vista, Green on XP. Tried different ports, router 1st utor 2nd, firewall off, proxy off, etc. YES, I have updated the router's firmware, and I'm on a non-throttling D:10 MB, U:6 MB ISP cable line.

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If you check which version you got that may help (should be somewhere under a help menu up top. Comodo 3 is reported to work without troubles. As stated by Firon (who knows alot about troubleshooting) Norton 360 causes trouble. If you're sure you uninstalled Norton, perhaps you could read through the bottom portion of Ultima's How-To on how to paste a HiJackThis and Process Explorer log. It will verify whether or not you were successful in uninstalling Norton 360.

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hi its my firstym here i dont really know where to post i hope im still in the ryt track im just following thread about utorrent in vista :) well i have problems using utorrent with port forwarding w/ that im still having (!) symbol... just one quick question how to open i cant open it in vista IE and in firefox i still got error it says "Unable to connect" so that i can continue the procedure..... tnx in advance its been two days now i havent got enough sleep looking for forums about this one .....


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Hmm :/ In that case yea, your router should be at ...

For example my ipconfig/all output includes this stuff

Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

Do you know what kind of router you have? If you know the username and password you can try a url like http://USER:PASSWORD@

It may also be related to Vista in which case I totally have no clue, sorry :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

i dunno if im allowed to post links, so here's a copy/paste :

"What I would see on Vista was:

It struggled to find seeds, yet on XP, it found plenty.

Download speed hovered around 0.2 kB/s whereas on XP it would happily do 50-350 kB/s.

I looked through a lot of forums for solutions to my slow downloads, googled a lot, played with connection and firewall settings - all to no avail. It was driving me nuts!

What finally worked and solved my problem is this: In utorrent, go to Options -> Preferences -> Advanced. The second option under Advanced is 'net.bind_ip'. Set this to the IP address of your computer. Restart utorrent.

That fixed it - I now find plenty of seeds again and have got download speeds of 50-300 kB/s in utorrent."

It worked for me.. good luck

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