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cpu usage


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I have noticed and a few versions now including the most recent v1.3 build 364 that on my computer if I leave utorrent running for a while when I am uploading to others and I have the upload rate set to 0 for the unlimited that my utorrent spikes my cpu from 50-90% but when I limit my upload speed it doesn't spike like that. On my current torrent that I am seeding for an example I was uploading between 35-45k and it was doing that but when I limited to upload only at 15k it wasn't spiking. I have kav2006 internet security but I have that on turned off so I don't think thats interfering. Sometimes I have to exit utorrent and restart my computer to fix it but if I leave it running it starts to spike. Could someone else help me on what may be the problem or if others have noticed the same problem thanks.

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I have windows xp no service packed. I also have 933meghz p3 with 512megs of ram. But thing is, I don't think the other programs running have anything to do with it. Like I said when I first run utorrent its fine its just when its been running for a long while is when it starts to run funny.

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Well, it honestly sounds like there's some kind of software conflict on your system, which is why I'm asking for you to just -try- uninstalling it to see if it goes away. :P

It's also possible that it's a driver issue. Do you have the latest drivers for your NIC or motherboard chipset?

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This is how it looks on my computer, I wonder why it's spiking with a certain frequency?


Frequency is 30 seconds which is when utorrents empties cache and writes it to disk.

Hmmm. mystery solved, but problem is with audio and video playback that suffers in those disk writes. Smaller cache is better? I use 32768. Then I tried -1 and the high spikes dissapear and are replaced with smaller spikes every 3-5 seconds. Still messes with audio though.

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