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Cross-contamination of private/public swarms


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[Ultima: Split from this thread.]

Hi, would there be any cross-contamination between trackers? Say one is public and the other private, but the infohash is exactly the same (e.g. DHT is not allowed). By cross-contamination, I mean, can a peer from a public tracker suck bandwidth from a private tracker or vice versa?

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Not if the torrent and tracker are private. PEX wouldn't work on private torrents either. So to answer the question, if the torrent client properly respects the private flag, and no other means of injecting peers is available (DHT, PEX, LPD, manual adding), then swarms probably wouldn't be bridged (though they can run in parallel).

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Well, the torrent originally was from a private tracker, but I put it on a public tracker. The public torrent only has the url for the public tracker. But to keep from having two torrents running, I have both URLs on my client. Is there still a chance of cross-contamination?

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Wow - well that's proven my point that I do ask a good question when I put my mind to it :-)

It's great to see intelligent debate on a subject, especially when we all agree that µTorrent is the best out there.

Besides, how many people remember Alt+0181 [ µ ] as well as their own phone number !

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Thanks for clarifying Ultima. You originally said "probably wouldn't" which made think there was some possibility. But your second reply of "won't be bridged" is more reassuring! :)

Okay, another question - could a peer in the swarm that does not respect the private flag (e.g. Bitcomet) cause peers to be bridged?

I ask because on a private tracker, my download transfer amount went from 250GB to 1 TB in one day.

[edit: added ? about BitComet]

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