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Only seed is snubbing, how do I fix this?


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Basically the file I'm trying to get, there's only one seed, and the flags on this one are

"dS E". I read the FAQ and some other posts about snubbing and optimistic unchoking, and I understand maybe half of it. What I want to know is how do I get this peer to stop snubbing me?

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You have it backwards, snubbing is a term used on your end to refer to peers which have been inactive and which can possibly be receiving data from http://btfaq.com/serve/cache/23.html

If the seed keeps sending to you, there's naught you can do except be patient. If you don't want the torrent taking up a queue slot, right click, "Force Start".

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Ok I think I get it, that's probably what the lower case "d" in the flags means, right? According to the FAQ, that means interested and choked...So how do I unchoke? I guess I was asking the wrong question...I tried raising bandwidth allocation to high, I tried Force Start, Start, Update Tracker, is there something I'm not doing that I should be doing, or am I doing something I shouldn't?

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