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Guys I'm going to tell you a short story:

Six months ago I had to move to another country. Then my company rellocated me in this small town with no cable, no movie theaters and no way to have internet at home (I couldn't believe these places still existed). My only consolation was the utorrent especially to watch tv shows. However, after six months, my office's network administrator found out that I was using utorrent because he saw my fixed IP with many people connected to it (something like that). He asked and I had to tell the truth so they asked me not to use it again to prevent network slow downs. I am going nuts without TV or movies to watch. I asked them if I could use it overnight and they said no. If there anyway I can use it without they knowing it or without doing no harm to the net please let me know.


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If the network administrator watches traffic there is no way to "sneak" it. Your traffic will always show up as bittorrent when unencrypted and due to (as you found out) the unique characteristics it provides such as lots of concurrent peers, and many connections per second.

There are some methods people use to encrypt the whole stream but they require a separate "tunnel" or VPN connection. And even if you did this you'd still have to explain the huge data traffic. Your company network... does it block youtube?

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Thank you

Well, I installed Relakks and then downloaded everything. They didn't tell me anything. I am not sure if it was because Relakks worked or because they didn't check the IP's traffic. I'll keep doing it hoping that it's working at least for the 30-day Relakks trial.

One more question: when I connect to Relakks, SAP doesn't work. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

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