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open all ports?


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I can not access my router. It is owned by the ISP but they will port forward for me. (I don't live in the US so things are different here)

Apparently I now have it set in "router" mode". They can set it in "bridge" mode and open ALL ports. Is this safe, correct, better, worse than opening just one port for uTorrent and leaving it in router mode?

Downloads are very slow even with e.g. 500 seeds and 200o peers. Seems I can only get a few seeds and pseed in the 20's..

The router is a BridgeStar 325.

Thanks for any help.


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I feel reasonably protected. But another router is a good idea.

If it is in bridge mode than would all ports be open or can all ports be open? Is that best for better speed ?

Just so I understand - a bit slow I am -

For better speed which is better

1) Bridge mode all ports open (less secure?)

2) Router mode - port forwarded (more secure?) One port forwarded for uTorrent use

Another point - once I had the green sign at the bottom That long disappeared and is usually yellow and sometimes red.

Thanks again.


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You're just as secure with without your own router as long as you don't have extra ports opened (i.e. extra services running). Start->run->services.msc

One thing you'll see REGULARLY without a router are those stupid messenger windows (not MSN/Live Messenger)... the windows which pop up with start->run->cmd /k net send "i am a popup window"

If you're forwarded correctly (right IP, to right PORT) you shouldn't see RED... you may see yellow from time to time.

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