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Using proxies in utorrent


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I couldn't find any suitable category.. so here it goes.

I've been using utorrent for a few months and I've noticed there are some users who use proxies to mask their IPs. I'm trying to use a proxy but I couldn't find any options in the preferences so can someone point me in the right direction? Any help is appreciated. Thanks alot.

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There is no "SAFE"... think about it this way... who's likely to have more customers and be located in a country where they cover customer/consumer privacy. All a proxy does is show your IP as that bouncer, instead of your ACTUAL IP you see @ say http://canyouseeme.org

Generally speaking, "free" proxies are subsidized by monetary income from alternate sources maybe a "paid" tier or advertising. However what Firon is talking about "you get what you pay for"... free generally would mean you don't get guaranteed uptime and the speeds aren't likely to ensure your full up/down-loading.

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hrmm. I see. I dont know, it doesnt seem like paid proxy service is that anonymous. I did some reading and it looks like a tunnel to a vpn is the only option to not get the isp in trouble. I was thinking of getting a paid proxy from a chinese company, but not sure now.

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