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ip configuration


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i'm not sure if this is the right thread to be on so here I go. for personal reasons I change my ip alot. ever since i d/l utorrent beta I can no longer do that. how come?

Connection specific DNS suffix.........:nycap.rr.com

IP address...................................:

subnet mask................................:

IP address...................................:fe80::213:20ff:fe7c:bad9%4

default gateway...........................:

tunnel adapter teredo tunneling pseudo interface:

connection specific DNS suffix

IP address.................................:fe80::ffff:ffff:fffd%5

default gateway.........................:

tunnel adapter 6to4 tunneling pseudo interface:

connection specific DNS suffix.............:nycap.rr.com

IP address.......................................:2002:43f0:609c::43f0:609c

default gateway...............................:2002:c058:6301::c058:6301

tunnel sdapter autoomatic tunneling pseudo interface:

connection specific DNS suffix......:nycap.rr.com

IP address............................... :fe80::5efe:67.2f40.96.156%2

Now what in blue blazes is all this? I really need help. ty.

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