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Sometimes Disk overloaded


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it happens to me everytime dlspeed gets above 500kb/secs (v1.3.1 377 and 386. very strange cause bitcomet made up to 5mb/sec to that usbdisk without any problems.

it doesn't happen with vers 1.3 but with that version, memoryusage explodes...

guess utorrent is crap for people with fast connections :/

and write queue size doesn't help at all

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Maybe µTorrent has a bit of trouble writing to external media, like USB drives etc., but I wouldn't call it "crap". :mad: A lot of sweat, tears and blood went into µTorrent to make it what it is now. Show a little more respect! Also, if µTorrent ain't working for you, no problem bro', just stick with BitVomit. :/

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tried write queue size between -1 and 32mb and every other setting of the advanced tab but none helped.

I apologize for calling utorrent "crap" but every tracker is banning nearly every client out there and utorrent is my last hope for a nonjavacrap and fast client. maybe I should go and curse them :)

disabled read/writecache for the usbdrive and v1.3 seems to work now without abnormal memoryusage. but haven't tried with fast torrents yet. I am going to upload something next week, more testing then.

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Ok Im downlaoding SLOW at 45k atm I have an ADSL2+ connection 24/1 And doing Nothing else Like I said P4EE running RAID 0 again I say if UT is overloading my disk... Im a Monkeys uncle its a UT error not my PC.... Thas for sure...

Wow.. ADSL2+? Is it fast? And you run P4EE+Raid0 and still get overload disk?

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happened again, utorrent cannot handle more than 1mb/sec down

hmpf, have to find another client again

This is not too much of a pain for me, but come to think of it, I have seen that message on the status line sometimes, when my overall download speed was getting up there.

However, generally, if I set the max D/L speed to around 100KB (1.25 Mb), it would not occur very often.

(My DSL itself is officially 3Mb Down & 800Kb Up)

One more thing in my case - I AM lately downloading to a local Network drive, and that too can cause a bottleneck at times, fer sure !


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bitcomet waits if the harddrive can't keep up (the program hangs) and continues when all data is written. utorrent v1.3 seems to keep unwritten data in memory -> huge memory usage.

v1.3.1 (all betas) are getting the "disk overloaded" issue as soon as the harddrive falls behind.

you can set the cachesize of bitcomet to >50mb and the program can handle it (although downloadspeed may drop). it just writes each time the cache is full and stops all download/upload activity until all data is written. utorrent just doesn't care.

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it happens to me everytime dlspeed gets above 500kb/secs (v1.3.1 377 and 386. very strange cause bitcomet made up to 5mb/sec to that usbdisk without any problems.

it doesn't happen with vers 1.3 but with that version, memoryusage explodes...

guess utorrent is crap for people with fast connections :/

and write queue size doesn't help at all

ya right :rolleyes: less than 10megs woah big explosion , lol

i have a 4200rpm in my laptop and no problems with a 3mb dl.

maybe your drive is on its last leg, just get a faster drive.

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:( With sadness I must say that my uTorrent is hardly overloading my disk too. Not only lights up "Disk overloaded" but truly & heavy increases the disk usage (HDD LED is totally turned on and I hear the seeking in HDD). I've changed diskio.write_queue_size to *32768 but it doesn't help. Only the inscription "Disk overloaded" is blinking not so often as before this change. I've tested the 1.3build364 and latest beta (389)

I think that this problem happened in maybe last week or two. With earlier versions it was OK with disk usage, but I dont' remember with what wersions. I will try with older versions but it is not so right way to solve this often (like I see) problem...

Regards - PawQ

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