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Sometimes Disk overloaded


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by the way: my system for downloading is quite old now

(internal HDD Samsung 80GB/5400rpm UDMA5 enabled, Duron1000/512MB Ram, ADSL 1Mb)

but with Azureus and Shareaza is OK with disk usage, and other tests indicates that disk speed operations are quite qood on this system. uTorrent was better because had lower system resources usage. But now is even worse than Azureus :(

I hope that uT could be still better without this problem...

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Hi! After many experiments with different versions/settings I don't exactly know in what moment (what I've changed) but all seems working OK now. No exceptional disk usage, uT is taking not more than 8-9MB of memory, internet is not blocked for other applications, I'm happy again:)

But... (there is always some "but";)

Now I have 1.3 version again (build 364) with settings:

*Dload capped at 110kB, Upload at 22kB (I have 1Mb/256kb ADSL)

*Max connections: 250 (I have XP/SP2 with removed max connections cap;)

*peers/slots per torrent: 100/4

*max active torrents/downloads: 20/12

*DHT/scraping/pre-allocating: all enabled

and advanced:

*net.low_cpu: true

*dht.rate: 4096

*diskio.flush_files: true

*diskio.write_queue_size: 2048

I will also try higher versions with this settings but I think that we must wait for another STABLE final 1.4 version to be fully happy (for some time;)

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Yes. I've trying successfully with: Firefox, Shareaza, Getright, Tlen (communicator & e-mail client) and uT. Now build 391 is running with the same settings except dht.rate: -1 (changed by uTorrent default settings or something - not by me).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe there is a complete other reasone for this Problem than the DL speed. I've used all clients from 1.2 till now. I nerver have this Problem until yesterday.

I think the cause is the filesize. I dowload often large files with 4 GB and everything went ok. (The UT PC is a P3 with 400 GHz, so very slow.) I find no context about this massage and the DL speed.

But yesterday I tried to DL an 8 GB file and the Disk overload message appears. At the moment I use v1.4 but tried it also with v1.3. Stopping the torrent and starting another and everything is fine again.

So maybe there is the Problem to find.

Regards Cobra

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mine say that all the time....and my speeds are well in excess of 650kb........it only say that when im doin to much on my cpu....i have a laptop runnin xp and i have 735 mb of ram.......i noticed that when my diskeeper service runs or if im playin a game or even surfin tha web it sometimes says diskoverload then my dl speeds go down for a sec then its back to norm it dosent mess wit ur download sept tha speeds......and try usin utorrent 132 beta

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Hey guys do you know the maximum writing speed for external IDE disks? Mine is overloading continually whenever speed exceeds 750k/s so I'm forced to use both a download limiter of 800 and upload limiter of 500 in order to get a stable 700k/s download speed

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