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uTorrent 1.77 and 1.8 have


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uTorrent 1.77 have the incompatible interface for 640x480 screen resolutions and uTorrent 1.8 have the incompatible interface for 800x600 screen resolutions - some digits as Download\Upload speed, digits of Seeds\Peers are not place of width in program window. Please fix this problem.

Thank You!

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But dynamically enough to reduce spacing interval between Time Elapsed: and Remaining:; between Downloaded and Download Speed; between Uploaded and Upload Speed etc. if change screen resolution to 640x480 or 800x600. Especially data cut off for example in russian translate is too large...

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1.7 will not be changed. 1.8 fits... Spacing won't matter if the text doesn't get cut off. If it does get cut off it is no longer a full translation. So I don't see how what you're asking for is related. Things get squished when you shrink the window. It's a factor of the anchoring methods used for field text boxes.

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Hi, new here, but only to report a bug:

Occasionally, in uTorrent 1.77, the names of torrents in the name column are either suddenly bold or have a random name like Downloads. If I change the size of the column, it is only corrected when there's not enough space to fully show the torrent name.

Not a major issue, but maybe something to look into.

Keep it up! Love uTorrent!!!

[edit] Build version is 8179. [/edit]

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