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BTWebClient: Is HTTP Range header always sent?

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BTWebClient HTTP User Agent appeared only in 1.8. These headers are from 1.7.7 as you can see. But it doesn't matter, I have also such:

array (


'User-Agent' => 'BTWebClient/1800',

'X-Forwarded-For' => 'XX.XX.XX.XX',

'Cache-Control' => 'max-stale=0',

'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive',

'X-BlueCoat-Via' => '26DD94F575A43092',


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I have also uTorrent/1770 in apache access log, but it seems to work fine with web-seeding. I don't have information about sent headers, but it apparently requests 1MB pieces (same size as torrent pieces).

Can it be possible that you simply do not have complete headers information for some reason?

I'm not completely sure, but I think web-seeding for single-file torrents works since 1.6 or 1.7 . It has only been improved for multi-file torrents in v 1.8 . Check changelog to be sure.

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