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Problem with TCPIP Warnings(Event Viewer-4226)


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Hi guys.I would like to refer to a problem i have from the time i downloaded and used μtorrent for the first time(about a year ago).I am really very confused because although i use windows xp sp3(and as a result the default half open connection number is 10) and in μtorrent advanced in net.max_halfopen i have it set to 8,when i open event viewer,in the tab named system i see very often tcpip warnings(event id 4226).This happen of course when i am trying to seed/leech torrents or an only one.I have tried via lvllord patch to increase half open connections to 100,and in μtorrent to set net.max_halfopen to 80 but the problem still exists...Why is that??

Sorry for my bad english

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Because increasing the net.max_halfopen is not the way to solve the issue you're having, and when microsoft unpatches your changes to tcpip.sys (and yes they will), you're still using the 80 halfopen on a system that only allows 10.

Additionally, increasing the halfopen limit is COMPLETELY USELESS after only THREE MINUTES of a torrent being started (even less time if you're reachable).

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Because increasing the net.max_halfopen is not the way to solve the issue you're having

And what is the solution to the problem?

when microsoft unpatches your changes to tcpip.sys (and yes they will), you're still using the 80 halfopen on a system that only allows 10.

I know what u are talking about.When f.e i download some updates from windows update the half open connections number will go again from 100 to 10.But i know that and i am careful

Plus that i dont understand the last thing u said about increasing the halfopen limit

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Halfopen connections are like phone calls, you can only make so many new ones at a time, but once you have them, you can use them.

Under most scenarios, even with a halfopen limit of 2, you have filled up your connection limits within 60 seconds. Once you have all your connections, you don't need to attempt more. The limits are on the connection attempts and not fully established connections.

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What the hell is going on?I did what u told me switeck,i set net.max_halfopen to 1,and half open connections,via the patch back to 10,and i tried to download a torrent with only 30 seeders and no leechers and again tcpip error...It cant be the pc's problem because it happens in my desktop too..And i am very sure that i dont have any viruses or spyware...Do i need to make any settings to my router?(Draytek Vigor 2700 vg)

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I find that using an EventID 4226 Patcher works the best for me. I have net.max_halfopen set to 8 as my utorrent settings.

I have always used http://www.lvllord.de/ for my EventID 4226 Patcher. This site has been around for years and has been verified and well used by many. It has still worked for me after installing SP3 for XP.

There is another patcher that has come out lately for SP3 but has been reported to also work for SP2. I have not personally used it but it seems to have been verified by others. Website is http://hwrms.com/blog/?p=17.

For those who use 64 bit windows XP, I have heard these files dont work for 64 bit systems. I dont know the answers to increasing the TCPIP for these people myself, but there are a few threads on this issue in the utorrent forums.

I set my TCPIP to 50 which is the default for EventID 4226 Patcher. Few people know that this also helps performance with browsers when multi tabbing. I find that when opening my browser, it does not effect tab loading performance like I experienced when using Window's default value of 10. With the added load of bittorrenting, a TCPIP of 10 is not up to the task.

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