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I am new to using utorrent - for some reason it isn't downloading any of the files - the files are showing as 0% downloaded - even if i 'force' start it , the process doesn't start - the file just shows as pretty much an empty shell but shows all the details in the utorrent program (size e.t.c) .




no it has status as downloading (done 0.0%) with red bars under the 'pieces' heading. It just wont download - haven't a clue why.

Under peers one of the files says 0(0) and another one says 0(2)


yeah I have been having the same problems nothing will download nothing I've tried using other torrent downloaders and still nothing I was thinking its my ports but I don't know anything about that technical stuff


Hi Firon.

I have the same problem as pete here. Utorrent just won't download. I also tried other programs, with the same result. I don't run a firewall, and windows firewall is curently disabled. The port is forwarded, or so is the message I get when I do the "test if port is forwarded correctly" test. Other than that, the DHT doesn't work, but either says "DHT: waiting to log in" or "DHT: 0 nodes (login)".

I tried downloading a torrent from http://www.slackware.com/getslack/torrents.php, but it seams like all the links are broken. (no connection to site, site cannot be shown kind of message).

Is the connection refused from the ISP? I also have trouble logging into the free internet chess server. It says "cannot connect to port" or something similar. Are these problems somehow related? Because both torrents and fics worked with this computer in a different city.


If you can't connect to http://slackware.com/ how about http://distribution.openoffice.org/p2p/ ? It is highly likely in your case olepaus that the ISP is directly filtering connections to websites (and probably trackers too) and could very well shape your traffic.

When trying the slackware oropenoffice sites are you using any other programs/protocols which use traffic?Also I presume popular streaming sites like YouTube are not having this trouble?


Nope, cannot connect to http://distribution.openoffice.org/p2p/ either. Same problem, cannot load page when I get redirected to the torrent file (as in, cannot even download the file). I'm not sure what you mean by other programs/protocols, but I'm not using any download-managers or any such things, and not downloading or uploading anything either. Only firefox, itunes, avira antivirus, a word document and a windows explorer window are running on the computer (firewall still turned off).

Youtube works fine, in facts, I can't remember having any trouble with anything streaming online.

If my ISP is the problem, is there anything I can do short of changeing to a different ISP?


If they block downloading of torrent files... you can try manget: links ..unfortunately not many torrent sites spread them. The only one I know is mininova, though you could try this one for Azureus 4001 B3 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ab69e734028b689ddc799a2c1cea7d1837fcfc6&dn=Azureus4001-B03.jar&tr=http://tracker.aelitis.com:6969/announce&tr=http://tracher.aelitis.com:16969/announce

(sorry I can't direct link, stupid forum auto-assumes HTTP :/ you can copy all the text, it shouldn't have any whitespace, then Ctrl-U in uTorrent and press OK, it should add a new torrent to the list, and attempt to start downloading the Azureus CVS from http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php )

Formatting for magnet: links follows http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html specification.

Edit: ADDED many links so people accuse me of malicious intent ><


Tried, and it did add a new torrent to my list, but the torrent is not downloading. Should I call the ISP and ask them about this?

Or any other ideas/things I can try?


Manually typing addresses fails. that second "tracher" should be "tracker" ... as well as you're trying to download a primarily Azureus-peer file, so 1) you will take some time should it still be trying DHT (I know Az has PEX support, and do not if they follow the metadata extension I linked to) and 2) Do you see any http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_the_red_icons_mean_on_the_torrent_status_icons.3F message under Trackers tab, Status column?


Hi guys, I'm running into some real problems atm, wondering if anyone could PLEASE help, and spare my sanity?

I'm getting "hostname not found" on all the trackers on a particular torrent, and downloading has stopped altogether. Was workin' fine up until a few hours ago...

Now heres the catch- Its happening on every torrent I try and download!! EVERY SINGLE ONE!

Any ideas? Please please please?


Not so sure what your last respons is trying to tell me. Which last "tracher" should be "tracker"? In the link you gave me to ctrl-u into utorrent there is only one "tracker" and it is correctly spelled. Also, all the torrents show the red arrow down (means the torrent is downloading, but there is a tracker error: according to the utorrent faq link you gave me).

"1) you will take some time should it still be trying DHT (I know Az has PEX support, and do not if they follow the metadata extension I linked to)" I have no idea what that means :)

Under the tracker tab, status collumn there are no icons (if that is what you meant), but it says: (for the azureus file)

DHT: waiting for announce

Local peer discovery: working

Peer exchange: working

http://tracker.aelitis.com: hostname not found

(first I tried with .co as in your message, but that didn't work either - I just assumed it was a typo so i corected it to .com)

For all other torrents on the list the line after the tracker (the url) is "connection closed by peer".

So for instance, for the torrent x it says:

DHT: waiting for announce

Local peer discovery: working

Peer exchange: working

http://tracker.xxx.xx.x: connection closed by peer

I don't like this Peer character, I think he's got it in for me.


Hmm, interestingly enough, I seem to be suffering the same problem. I believe the problem first occurred when I updated to uTorrent 1.8.1... however, here is what I have tried.

I have tried reinstalling uTorrent, deleting the settings file, I have port-forwarded the port, I added exception to Windows Firewall ( - even tried disabling firewall! ), as well as trying to download OpenOffice and the Slackware ISO. My port icon right now is green.

For 20 minutes, my download speed for OpenOffice or Slackware ISO were 0.0kb/s. After that, it went to 5kb/s, and now it is 10kb/s... three hours later. Other torrents will not download at all, or not unless I give it a LOT of time... and even then, it'll be around 1kb/s. I have done nothing to change my internet or ISP, but only a few days ago (before I updated the new version) I was downloading 200-300kb/s.

I have tried testing my internet speed, and it's not capped or limited, and I have no speed decreases except for uTorrent. Any help would be appreciated!




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