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Questions about uTorrent


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1) Do the seed and peer counts in parenthesis include yours truly?

2) Is it unusual to have a share ratio of zero on a torrent after downloading that torrent? (My overall share ratio is < 2.5:1.)

3) It is unusual for a torrent to seem stuck? (That is, for example, I downloaded it, am now seeding, the seed/peer ratio is 2/4, I have a share ratio on that torrent of 0.000, and I'm not connected to anyone on that torrent.)

4) Does uTorrent limit the download speed to about what the upload speed is? I get speeds of about 50 kBytes/s, both up and down, but my connection is 3 Mbits/s down and 500 kbits/s up. My down speed limit is set to 180.

5) What's the major differences between BitTorrent, uTorrent, Azureus, BitComet, etc.?


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1) Depends on what the tracker sends. Potentially (and fairly likely) is the only real answer you can get.

2) Only if there were few-to-no peers left in the swarm.

3) What is the availability for the torrent?

4) The download rate limiter is unreliable because of the way it needs to work. µTorrent doesn't directly limit the download rate to your upload rate, but the protocol itself will handle that.

5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BitTorrent_Clients

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Sure, if there are no peers with incomplete copies of the torrent.

? Small swarms are more likely to experience times with no connected peers especially if you're firewalled.

No "limits" are in-place. You can theoretically get 300+ KiBps down, doesn't mean all swarms will give you. Especially if you're running "bad settings" on a small .5Mbit upload.


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Thanks for the responses.

I think the problem is that I'm fairly new to this, I found about 13 related torrents that I'm interested in, all with apparently low seed and peer counts (mostly < 10 each although one still has over 30 seeds), and only about 2 or 3 torrents seem to have worked strangly.

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