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download speed maxed out at 219kb/s


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HI my download speed wont go any higher than 219 kb/s for one download, then if more than one download active it seems to devide the speed almost evenly between the downloads, my ports are forwarded and the green icon says connections are all good, i used to be able to get download speeds averaging 340/360 kb/s but not any more, does any one have any ideals?

Regards Topliner.

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topliner, if your speed tests for your line shows <1700 kilobits/second down, you CAN'T download much faster than you're already getting.

mn_mcdfx, you will need VERY conservative settings for uTorrent...as well as disabling DHT, LPD, Resolve IPs. Your upload max is probably 64 kilobits/second AT MOST unless you're on a symmetric line. uTorrent's settings are configured based on max upload. 2nd link in my signature for settings.

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