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RSS filters not working


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I'm trying to filter on episode number, using filters such as "2x10-" (yes, I remembered to tick the checkbox).

Most of the time it seems like it's working, but then, sometimes it suddenly starts downloading everything in the feed and I have to clear all the old stuff manually. It even tries to download stuff I've previously downloaded or deleted.

Am I doing something wrong or missing something obvious?

I have a long list of feeds, and it kind of sucks to have to clear 400+ downloads manually every day...

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I too really wonder how the filters work, I make a filter that I suppose should work, simpelest way in most cases seems to be taking the name from one epsode, replace the episode number with a star, and bang it should work, but sometimes it doesn't. And when I afterwards edit the filter it's kinda hard to tell if I corrected it. It ends up that I make a too indiscriminate filter that also take up a few other torrents, end thereafter there is absolutely no way of telling if a subsequent edit breaks the filter, 'cause the torrent that I need to test it on is already active. A preview function highlighting those torrents that a filter would start, no matter if they have already been activated or not, would really help in the building of filters.

It feels like the function is bugged, but it's so hard to work with that it's hard to be shure what exactly is wrong.

Automatic feeds could be the next big thing in filesharing, but it needs to get better before it becomes a tool for the masses. I'm glad to be a pioneer, but as it is now I'd say using feeds is more trouble than it's worth.

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The latest according to the auto-update. I use no other filters, except that the top filter (probably 'Filter on' in English) is by default set to *. If it's a logical OR, that could explain it, but I think I got the same result when clearing that field (not 100% sure, though).

Edit: Tried again, and it looks like it was that easy (the "*" issue).

You should probably consider clearing that default if any other filter criteria are used, as it shortcuts everything else and is easy to miss. I'm a programmer, and I still missed it.

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