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0 connections?


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Why do most of the torrents just have 0 connections? I look at them and they all have the proper SE/LE shown but they're not connecting. I don't understand why it's happening.

It wasn't happening a little while ago but now it's literally like 0(40) 0(20) i don't get why i see soo many 0s there. Anyone have any idea why nothing's connecting but it's apparently updating properly?

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Your computer and/or networking has gotten screwed up since then is the most likely explanation.

...OR Your ISP may have started disrupting/blocking BitTorrent traffic! (...possibly even as a result of your previous activities!)

1st and 2nd links in my signature may help. :)

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Dear Sir,

I don't understand what is going on here. I downloaded your program, installed it on my computer and am trying to get it to work. When I ask for support to get it up and running there is none and apparently the only person available says they know nothing. Would someone please explain what is going on here. I've never experienced anything quite like this before.Ordinarily those with software offered on the internet are courteous and if they have administrators they make an effort to be helpful or if they can't explain what one should then do or recommend how you should go about getting assistance. This is disgusting.

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I'm sorry, I may be a moderator here but I am neither paid nor actually an employee of BitTorrent/uTorrent. Just another user...sometimes I can help, often I can't.

Ask for a refund!

Or please tell me the information asked for in the 1st link in my signature...at least uTorrent settings, your firewall/router/modem, and your connection's measured down+up speed maxes.

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Ordinarily those with software offered on the internet are courteous and if they have administrators they make an effort to be helpful or if they can't explain what one should then do or recommend how you should go about getting assistance. This is disgusting.

What is disgusting is the fact that you seem to think that we know all of your configuration without you telling us what it is.

We don't. We aren't mindreaders, and contrary to what the tinfoil hat wearing overparanoid freaks would like you to believe, we don't have backdoors in uTorrent to see into your system.

Without you providing information, we don't have it.

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