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Can I do a fresh install and keep my partial downloads and seeds?


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I have a download problem that I think can only be cured by a fresh install. But, I have many partially downloaded files as well as seeds I have to keep up because many websites require me to seed back at least 100% of what I downloaded.

I tried an upgrade install but it doesn't fix the problem. Does any one know how to do a fresh install and resett all partially downloaded files as will as files I was seeding back to normal?

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Thank you for the links. I did not find a folder 'AppData' in my root drive or thru search. Where is AppData in Windows XP?

Does the file 'Settings.Dat' only contain software settings or does it contain the torrent and file information as well? If Settings.Dat only contains software settings and the torrent info is somewhere else in AppData, then, By Deleteing 'settings.Dat but making a copy of the rest of the folder 'AppData' should restore all my seeds and partials after a fresh install. Do you think it will work?

Some downloads are files while others are folders containing several files. Will the migration in second link work for folders as will?

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