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Is uTorrent even worth it?


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I always had problem of dowloading fasst and it seems no matter how many time you post on these forums not many help you and if the do they repley oh read this guide or that guide well maybe need to reqrite your guides - you ask why well obviously they do not work and/or like me I can not undestand them and no I do not need no dang sarcasism from anyone - I would just like one to have a program that works...

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From my personal experience I can honestly say that utorrent is the best torrent program out there. This is the first time I have a problem ..but my post above is not related to utorrent ...is something about my router ..so in years of using it it never let me down.

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time you post on these forums not many help you and if the do they repley oh read this guide or that guide well maybe need to reqrite your guides

Our guides have steps to complete if following the guides don't work. Users simply choose to ignore this. Then we drill them for the information the guides request, sometimes taking two weeks of arguing. Finally, when they actually give us the information we point out how big a mistake (or how big a set of mistakes) they made following the guide and tell them what needs to be fixed, then suddenly when they actually follow the guide properly, things work right.

The guides don't need rewriting, users need the stupid beaten out of them.

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After posters *FINALLY* give us the information we need to help them, we often find out they have hopelessly buggy software on their computer (Zone Alarm, NOD32, Nvidia motherboard networking firewall, etc.) and they'd rather argue with us until they quit posting on the forums...

"No, that's great software! It's uTorrent that's hopelessly BROKEN!"


...Instead of temporarily uninstalling such software and testing.


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