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utorent Download anomaly


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I am having this very wiered problem.

When I am using utorrent the total speed indicated is around 175-185kpbs but my Speed indicator in Firefox ( an addon ) indicates 210-220kpbs.

This difference is also shown in the amount downloaded.

For 5 hours worth of time the Total dl indicated by utorrent turns out to be 3.1GB while my Network Connections in Windows XP shows around 3.8GB.

First I thought it was the waste mb. bu then they are far lesser than 30 MB per sesssion.

Also when I am using BitComet I am able to peak at 220kpbs but never crossed 185 in utorrent. Settings are fine and I don't have any backdoor programs or virusues dooing anything.

Can anyone help me. 700mb is too much of a waste for me to ignore

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what is you uT version ? Try and see if the overhead can explain part of it (set net.calc_overhead = true to see it on the grpah).

uT does have some errors in calclation and displaing of the true speed/data . And I agree, its' too much overhead...

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