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Well recently, I've had some problems with freezing of my uTorrent.

I have around 30 downloads going at any given time, and usually, after around 3 hours, it will completely freeze, and then I have to re-check everything (which takes around 3 hours in itself)

Also, I've noticed that I don't get the greatest download speeds anymore. I used to get around 1.7mb/sec now I'm only hitting around 100kb/sec.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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* EVERYTHING you've tried so far, including ANYTHING listed above (please be as explicit and specific as you can). Tell us what your changed settings are. Nothing has changed that has caused this

* The state/value of all of the options you were recommended to change up above.

* Color of the network status light in µTorrent's status bar (at the bottom of the µTorrent main window) green

* What the port checker from the Speed Guide writes 40072

* What the Speed Guide shows your settings to be (press Ctrl+G in µTorrent) Upload limit, 50kb/s, connecions, 65000, max active torrents, 10000, upload slots 65000, max active downloads 6500

* What you have net.max_halfopen set to (Preferences > Advanced in µTorrent), and if you ever modified TCPIP.sys, what you patched the limit to 400

* Operating system installed (Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98, 95, NT? Something else?) windows 7 64 bit

* Security software installed (firewall, antivirus, antispyware, antiadware) Avast

* Exact router model(s), and exact modem model Belkin F6D4230-4

* ISP (Internet Service Provider) being used optimum

* Connection type (DSL, cable, dial-up), and the results obtained from the speed test (when running the Speed Guide), for both download AND upload. Be sure that you aren't using your connection for any other reason besides testing, while testing. That means no downloading, no IMing, no µTorrent running, no browser activity (other than the testing), etc. Additionally, no other computer on your network (if any) should be using the connection. When you select a testing mirror, use the ones that are geographically closest to you. 9ms ping, 12mb down, 2mb up

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* What the Speed Guide shows your settings to be (press Ctrl+G in µTorrent) Upload limit, 50kb/s, connecions, 65000, max active torrents, 10000, upload slots 65000, max active downloads 6500

And you think that those connection limits and active torrent numbers are even remotely smart?

Especially with a belkin router they are NOT smart in the slightest.

Please reset from the beginning and follow the connection setup guide.

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And doing things your way will make your router explode.


The BitTorrent protocol isn't like kazaa or emule where having 50 things downloading at once makes things go faster.

Sometimes less is more.

Less ways your miniscule connection gets split equals more speed for actual data transfer.

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