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p2p blocked on mikrotik


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hi guys i have problem since i moved from the uk to malawi in africa its been 2 years i am unable to download any p2p it sucks but after a long time i thught of asking is their a way to unblock the p2p as i knw that my isp uses mikrotik's to block p2p also its the only fastest isp in malawi that gives 20kbps maximum no other isp gives 20kbps at 70 dollars more then 20kbps is about 300-400 usd so its the only affordable isp in malawi and i wuld like to be able to download p2p even tho it wuld take days for a big file to download.





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well i havent tried any but am i can t use http to download torrent files i have tried free download manager it want let me download torrent but i think my isp has a certian port open for utorrent but they havent told any1 is it possible to chnge ports find out which one is open so i can use utorrent to download movies please post a tutorial on how to use free vpn to download utorrent movies?

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Chances are you'll never find that port (if it even is open).

I didn't mean using http to download your torrents. but rather don't torrent.

There are many other methods of downloading. And almost every one of them would make a better use of your pricey bandwidth. Torrents use a lot of extra bandwidth to keep connections alive. But on your slow internet you will probably be unable to even support one stable connection. Yet alone 50+.

If you want to trying to torrent with a vpn, look up itshidden. (google it) they have a free vpn service that would probably work for you. the only problem with it is that it cuts out ever 15 minutes for free users and you'd need to reconnect.

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so i should use these Free Proxy Lists (Real-time 24/7 database) live ip address to download like put the ip's into the explore i am using and then torrents will download please explain how to get a vpn and get it working.. sorry am new at this and which vpn's are free for p2p download? and how to use them tutorial would be nice

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Probably how:


Seems unless they're really thorough, you can probably use a proxy for tracker updates and have EVERY Peer/Seed connection require encryption.

This means also disabling DHT (both kinds) and Local Peer Discovery (it's no real loss considering your setup is extremely unlikely to find nearby/local peers anyway).

You should also disable UPnP, NAT-PMP, and Resolve IPs (right-click in Peers window/tab at bottom of a torrent).

Teredo/IPv6 may be helpful...or it may be a disaster, so test first WITHOUT it! (...unless it's already installed.)

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That's pathetically slow. Not to mention the fact that it would appear you're still firewalled. That's probably about the best you're gonna get. For your speed though, you shouldn't be running any more than one torrent at a time to get the best speeds. (you force started the second one). And lower your connection settings WAY down. Your line can't support any more than about 20 connections globally, You're connected to 40 per torrent.

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Switeck your absultly right i get 20 kilo bytes per second i downloaded the other guys movie and in one night i was getting full throttle of speed 20kbps now i am tryin one movie it wouldn t download if i do two at once then only it will give me the speed it will just go to zero.... please advise i havent tried vpn i can t find one to dial into to see if i can continue my downloads.

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