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uTorrent 2.2(build23733) Very Sluggish Interface


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Hello Guys,

I have just updated from 2.04 to the latest version 2.2(build23733).

The uTorrent interface is incredibly sluggish so minimizing the application or moving from one torrent to the other, or switching from, say, the Peers tab of a torrent to the Files tab takes forever.

When I click any button they stay pushed for several second.

Also trying to use any App (like the search torrents) generally freezes uTorrent and I can only crash it.

This is just an uTorrent issue so not slow browsing or slow system or high cpu problem just to be clear.

Switching to 2.0.4 brings everything back to normal and uT is superfast as ever.

I am on Win 7 x64 Ultimate and I use Eset Smart Security Suite.

I have tried switching the all Eset Suite off but that sorted no effect.

Many thanks to those who will help.

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I am seeing the same thing, very high CPU use as well. I have about 4000 torrents in uTorrent and 2.04 handles if fine. Downloading doesnt seem to be affected but I have just got another HDD of files I need to get it seeding out and at 2-3 seconds to have action per click or keypress its taking about 1 min to get each one moved, targetted, start checking etc, and the checking seems to be a lot slower as well.

Im jumping back to 2.04 till sorted - the issue with it not changing download location when it has already started and has some partial .!ut files made is also making it take much longer to housekeep my torrents.

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I have around 1300 torrents so it probably depends from the number of torrents?

I don't have so many as Richms and the delay for me is in a couple of seconds.

As I said i don't have cpu issues and memory is around 60.000k.

I waited until now to see if any of the experts needed some sort of report but I just can't use uTorrent like this so i will switch back to 2.04 too.

I really hope they are not bloating the application cause the lightweightness has always been amongst the main factors for me.

If anyone needs any report I can reinstall 2.2.

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well..I think there is something wrong with the 2.2 version I went back to 2.0.4 and had better results going back to 2.0.4. And others on here have gone back to 2.0.4 because they were having issues with the 2.2 versions. I went back myself to 2.0.4 as well and have my torrents running and working correctly.

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Yes PiusX there must be something wrong but I couldn't find anyone with a problem similar to mine so was hoping some of the techie guys might have some insight.

I had to go back to 2.0.4 too so unless someone manages to help me out i guess I will wait for the next major release.

I will check the thread from time to time to see if I need to post some reports or something.

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Were any of you using proxies? There's a newer 2.2.1 up with another fix for proxies.

Is CPU usage normal while it's being slow? How many torrents did you have?

Hi Firon,

No I was not using proxies but my ISP has a natted architecture which for example doesn't allow me to be active.

CPU for me was normal and I have 1100 torrents.

As for betas I cannot try it first cause as I said I don't use proxies and second is because "let's say they are not welcome everywhere...".

Any suggestions\imput please?

Thank you.

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