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3.0 color ... fail


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hate the new color of 3.0. Going to revert to older version. Epic fail, Epic. Too white, too bright. Consider changing all white backgrounds to grey or something, idk, old color was better.

That said, sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, absolutely love the product, use it everyday rain or shine.

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Try the skins app.

What skins app? Could you please give a link?

Clicked on apps and didn't see anything

Go to: http://www.utorrent.com/intl/fr/get-started/apps

And install Skin.

I think that the colors of the Status Bar are not good' date=' It would be nice to edit them. An option to change color.[/quote']

Thanks. Strange that its not available on the US site but is on the French.

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Thanks. Strange that its not available on the US site but is on the French.

On: http://user.utorrent.com/get-started/apps ; Skins is available too.

I guess its just not on the apps page from within utorrent then. Maybe because im using beta (v. 3.0 build 25327)?

I'm using the same version. I could install it.

For me: it's the first app on the 5th row.

It's strange.

Edit: You can download it here. It's the one which is on App Studio.

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