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new version = disaster. how do i downgrade???


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I'm currently using utorrent 3.1.3...ever since I accepted this upgrade, NOTHING but problems. Speed problems, lag problems, everything is a mess. First while downloading only 1-2 torrents, my entire computer would lag and become unusable. So I searched around the forums, found some info and limited the speeds. Lag went down a little but now WHENEVER i'm downloading any torrents, every single computer/laptop hooked up to my router lags...sites like youtube skip even though i'm only downloading 1-2 torrents with limited speed on an entirely different system. I close utorrent and everything runs smoothly. Also now because limits were put on the speeds, my upload speed is terrible. After days of browsing forums and trying to find answers, I give up,

All I had to do with previous versions was install. No problems whatsoever. Speeds were great, no lag. I could be downloading 5 torrents on each PC...again zero lag.

I'm sorry but this new version is a disaster. I'm sure it's fixable if you want to put the time into troubleshooting every little thing, but I don't. Some things need no upgrading, utorrent fell into that category. These days everything seems to become worse and worse with each upgrade...from firefox to mobile apps to various PC programs...should of just left utorrent the way it was.

So where can I download previous versions? I can't find links anywhere on the site, found another site but the utorrent file I downloaded came up as malware.

  • 1 year later...
We don't support downgrading. We don't support older versions. Period.

If you want help with the current version, that's fine. But if you're going to demand the older versions, you're not going to get help here.

DreadWingKnight - we appreciate that older versions are not supported. We are not asking they they be supported - we're merely asking that they be *made available* for those who would prefer to download and use older (and therefore unsupported) versions of uTorrent. I don't think that's too unreasonable.

Programmers don't get it right first time, every time. And what's more - it's unreasonable to expect them to. So when things DO go wrong, why not allow us to download a previous - and *working* (for us) - version, until the problems with the current version get solved? That way, we have a working program (which keeps us happier) - which gives us less reasons to complain here (which makes you happier). The way I see it, it's a win-win situation.

As things stand, unless we happen to have a previously-downloaded version somewhere on our computers, we cannot get a version that worked satisfactorily for us. And further - we're stuck with a version that does NOT work properly, with no way to rectify the situation - and mostly through no fault of our own; uTorrent will self-update to newer versions, or we will check ourselves - but in either case, we cannot be expected to know *in advance* whether a newer version is better for us or not.

DreadWingKnight - we appreciate that older versions are not supported. We are not asking they they be supported - we're merely asking that they be *made available* for those who would prefer to download and use older (and therefore unsupported) versions of uTorrent. I don't think that's too unreasonable.

Enough people are of the misconception that "made available" equals "supported" so the policy is NOT going to change.


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