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BitTorrent study finds: most file-sharers are monitored!


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Yes, we know, it is monitored by SOMEONE, your ISP being #1 in line.

I use BTGuard... It sucks sometimes, but you can't complain if it's free. Well, people do, which is really ignorant, it's FREE...

I got a DMCA notice for downloading a TV show, that is on TOON for free. The file even has a station ID, and any other stupid little advertisements at the bottom of the screen too.... Oh, AND yeah sure, you can TiVo it, DVR it, HDDRV it, DVDR it; and get it on your PC from any one of those sources, but shame on me for downloading it? My cable box has a FireWire port, that I can use to record shows to the PC; but SHAME ON ME for downloading it? Who makes this crap up anyway?

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IN any case, you have to be seeding in order to get a DMCA notice. AN incomplete file is just that, incomplete. While downloading, you do not actually have 100% of the content, thus they cannot arbitrarily send a DMCA to your ISP; until you are seeding a FULL COPY. A full copy is the illegal download, not the process of downloading... Once you have the full file, all they need to do is connect and get ~ or < 1K of the the file in order for them to flag your IP, then send the DMCA notice to your ISP.

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