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freezes up


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I am running Win 8 on my laptop. About 4 days ago utorrent started freezing up when I boot it up. I have left it alone of as long as 10 minutes and it was still stuck. I am not able to use any buttons. I have to go to task manager in order to get out of the program. Any ideas? Any questions? Thanks, Tim

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Ask away but my computer only holds 8 gig and it is full. I have a laptop with windows 8 It has a 3 intel processors. I have removed and installed several times. I have even gone into the registry and removed any reference I could find to utorrent. I have run Ccleaner, Malwayebytes, and Norton and have found nothing. If you have any ideas that I can try I would appreciate them. Thanks, Tim

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I removed Norton from my computer and tried reinstalling utorrent again. Downloads fine but when I boot it up it looks good but it is frozen.. I also removed Malwarebytes.. What you think? I have never had trouble with utorrent and Norton before. Everything was working fine then it wasn't. Thanks, Tim

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