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Weird "happy birthday" music playing while open


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Let me try to explain this:  For some reason, whenever I open uTorrent version 3.4.2 this annoying "I really miss you; I love you baby; Happy birthday:" music starts playing and only stops when I shut it down completely.  I tried searching here but couldn't find anyone who's had the same problem.  Malwarebytes has been run twice but no spyware or anything else has been found.  Does anyone have an idea what's going one and how I can stop it from happening every time I open it?  

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I have had it happen one to many times (when you least expect it) not knowing why, until now (despite having successfully disabled all official adds within the ui settings) its rather annoying (last nail in the coffin) this is why I'm leaving µTorrent and BitTorrent (won't recommend it to my friends) indefinitely for open-source torrent clients without adds and third party "malware" software.

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Got the same problem. Randomly about twice a week, loud music starts playing from uTorrent - some sort of dance music (not the happy birthday as described elsewhere), and the only thing that gets rid of it is to shut down utorrent and restart it.


It's like some kind of virus or malware but seems to be baked into utorrent. 


I'm using Windows 7 64 bit and utorrent 3.4.2


There's no indication that I can find from within utorrent that it's doing this, but it's definitely coming from utorrent as the music can start up with no other program windows open and only shutting utorrent down gets rid of it!


Please help clearly this is affecting a few of us here... 

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