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New version?


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uTorrent Server is still being developed, but I'd say passively developed as opposed to actively developed.  The product is based on the same code base as are the torrent clients for Windows and Mac.  That said, there's some extra work involved in migrating uTorrent Server from the 3.3 code base to the 3.4 code base.  3.4 continues to be developed, so when uTorrent Server is migrated to 3.4 it will pick up new features and fixes; that's the passive part I mentioned.


Also, I'm no longer working on uTorrent Server; engineering reorganized responsibilities for a number of products, so another group will be maintaining uTorrent Server, including migrating the product to the 3.4 code base.  I will remind that group that it would be useful for them to monitor the Linux section of the forum.  I'll continue monitoring the Linux section of the forum as the other development group moves to take on this effort.

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@mcdonald: It would be nice in general when the dev group takes notice of the forums.

Since some month it seems that they are just doing their own thing without reading or commenting anything here (not only on the Linux section ...).

There are a lot of bugs out there (which have not been in the builds before) which are just ignored or does just nobody take care what useres report?

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I recall that the Windows client group takes notice of bug reports; I have a vague memory within the last month or two of hearing engineers in that group talk about a bug reported by a forum user in the context of working on that bug.  However, I'm not in frequent contact with the other groups with regard to knowing how much they monitor the forums.


I will often let reports here "age" to see if someone in the community will respond to them.  This depends on if I think the question has already been answered or if I believe that one or more community members have the knowledge to answer the question.  After a forum member has responded, if I think I can add something then I will post.


I responded to this thread more promptly because forum users would not know about release schedules for this product.

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Thanks for that answer, seems that some devs still are alive.

Perhaps the problem is that a lot of bugs are reported in the corresponding forum threads (mainly the 3.4.X beta and stable).

Also not nice (which was mentioned many times) is the missing of logs when giving out new betas/stables.

If users can download them (or get them by update) they should have a chance to read a changelog ...

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I just now caught the end of a meeting where somebody else discussed a proposal I had made for changing the system for maintaining change logs for product builds.  Lack of updated change logs is a concern for a number of engineers, including ones that are in charge of releasing products like uTorrent for Windows.

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My only real issue (Linux version) is recorded in another topic. I thought I'd worked around it, but it still happens from time to time (maybe 1 in 25). Some downloads don't transition states correctly. Sometimes they get stuck in seeding and sometimes they report moving to finished before they change state to finished. Both of these mess up a script I have that takes an action on Finished. It's not a huge deal but annoying.



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The state-change trigger for scripts invokes the script asynchronously, but always after the state has changed, so I'm surprised to hear about that not being the case.  If you are fortunate enough to have lots of logging enabled at the time this happens again, please post the logs.


Also, I didn't understand what you meant by "get stuck in seeding".

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Well I see the seeding goal is hit but the torrent never leaves seeding. I think this only has ever happened when I had the seed ratio to zero. So that when the download completes the torrent should go to finished immediately. It usually does but once in a while it doesn't. When I see this happen I delete the torrent, re-add it, it goes through the check of the existing files in my busy directory and then finishes. I don't see this often (I see it twice in my log since mid Nov when I last cleared it). When it's stuck in this seeding state I don't see any transfer going on. I've actually wondered if maybe there is an issue that some little bit of traffic is needed to trigger the check whether the seeding goal has been met or not?



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Seed ratio of 0 is infinite in that setting.

Well with min ratio % set to 0 most torrents go to finished when the download completes. Once in a great while they go to seeding. So it seems like a bug either way, but are you saying that most of these should not go to finished? Or maybe some other setting is causing them to finish? The numbers I have on the queuing page right now are 6,4,0,0,0.

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Hey I think I just figured it out. I just caught a torrent doing this and when I did Properties on it, it had Override the Default Seeding ratio and it didn't have the values I have set in settings!  This download was started by couchpotato. It looks like couchpotato has torrent provider specific settings for seed time and seedratio. It must have been sending those via REST api. Its not a commonly used provider so I didn't see it much. So I think that solves the seeding issue I was complaining about. thanks!

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