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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. Which is more likely the case. You either find trackers where a bunch of people have done the same as you (and you've already gotten the peers from other sources anyway) or you find trackers that has no one else but you on them. Either way, it's a waste of resources.
  2. The interaction between uTorrent and the webui is designed specifically to operate together WITH THE CURRENT VERSION. Old versions of either are unsupported due to backend changes.
  3. Not supported. Goodbye.
  4. http://www.ktetch.co.uk/2012/07/multi-tracker-ignorance-or-why-you-dont.html tl;dr: no
  5. The only way that is guaranteed to work is to not download content that is being monitored. Everything else doesn't work.
  6. Whatever's going on, it's probably something on your system or in your own settings/rss feeds causing what you're seeing. It's not something directly caused by uT.
  7. A lot of the problem stems from user stupidity regarding tracker lists. They are of the delusion that adding a bunch of trackers will help their speeds. Most of the lists that are out there add a multitude of trackers that: 1> Are down 2> Have been closed for over a year 3> Are duplicates/aliases of other trackers in the list 4> Communicate properly with other trackers in the list in such a way that they're actually one tracker (but are separated in the list like they aren't) 5> Have never been trackers 6> Don't track all torrents Those lists are the root of the problem.
  8. There is no "older" uTorrent version for linux that isn't an alpha or beta.
  9. A "1-post wonder" that doesn't have ANY troubleshooting history in the forums posting the way you did doesn't really encourage us to try to help them.
  10. TRIGGERED by utorrent, CAUSED by something else.
  11. BSODs aren't caused by uTorrent. They are caused by kernel-level drivers and triggered. There is actually a pretty big difference.
  12. Windows 2000 support has been discontinued.
  13. The guy that posted between you and me above that question.
  14. gzip only gets involved when dealing with webseeds. If there are no webseeds on the torrent, the pieces are NOT getting gzipped.
  15. jc, your entire problem can be solved by fixing the settings in your internet security software.
  16. Because its translation is incomplete. Pester the translators for the language.
  17. It wasn't comcast doing the monitoring. They were just being the little bitch of the media industries.
  18. It's assure, not ensure. And just because the equipment is top of the line, it doesn't automatically mean it's configured properly.
  19. Because we don't have the auto-update penetration set to 100% yet.
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