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Blocking IP Range?


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I'm trying to block this IP range using IPFilter:




As it keep sending a bad data, and every time I block one IP, after a few seconds another one appears from the same IP range.


I tried this combinations, but with no luck:- -


So can you please tell me how I can block this IP range?


any help would be appreciated.



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I'm trying to block this IP range using IPFilter:




As it keep sending a bad data, and every time I block one IP, after a few seconds another one appears from the same IP range.


I tried this combinations, but with no luck:- -


So can you please tell me how I can block this IP range?


any help would be appreciated.



Why don't you use your router to do the blocking instead that what it is made for as well?

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Thanks for your replies, and Sorry for the delay, the forums here allow me to post 1 post per day, until I get 8 posts or something.


Did you reload the ipfilter.dat file after adding the entry?

I did reload, but nothing happened.


Why don't you use your router to do the blocking instead that what it is made for as well?

I tried that too, but I couldn't figure out how to block IP ranges through my router.


Anyway, after I researched for a while, I downloaded an app called PeerBlock, then I created a list, and I added the IP range that I wanted to Block. and it worked perfectly.

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