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problem with incoming trafic


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I have a problem, not shure it is connected with utorrent, but tried everything else...

Always used utorrent at nights, never in the day time, using scheduler and it always worked.

It was utorrent 1.4.

Then started to use Utorrent 1.5 and get this kind of problem:

Every time, I am connected to Internet, there are hundreds of requests a minute from different adresses, working on different ports to connect with my port 32459 by UDP. That's why I have unwanted incoming trafic and can't stop it. It happens always - even when utorrent is off and when scheduller disables any activity. Blocking port 32459 in my firewall didn't help, virus checking - didn't help, stopping every suspicious processes and services didn't help. Now I have only 1 idea - as 32459 is often used by torrent clients, it may be somehow connected with this newer utorrent version. Maybe clients at this address think I am available to seed something... Am I right? And what am I supposed to do, to stop it?

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Well, DHT option was on. Can such logs be a result of DHT, or anyhow be connected with utorrent?

time adress remote port

23:41:12 UDP 13066

23:41:12 UDP 18258

23:41:12 UDP 9640

23:41:11 UDP 17267

23:41:11 UDP 11864

23:41:11 UDP 15727

23:41:09 UDP 18963

23:41:09 UDP 58037

23:41:07 UDP 12930

23:41:04 UDP 18840

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