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NAT error


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I can't get rid of a NAT error.

(µTorrent 1.1.7, DI-604 router, Sygate Personal firewall)

- I set up a static IP address.

- I opened port 59555 on the DI-604 firewall for both TCP and UDP.

- I set up port forwarding for 59555 on the DI-604 for both TCP and UDP.

- I opened the Sygate firewall for both TCP and UDP port 59555 for uTorrent.exe.

- I also set the starting and ending IP-addresses for DHCP of the DLink so that the static IP address is not in the range.

Before I tried with another port number.

What do I overlook or misinterpret?

Someone who can go over my settings to look for an error?

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Did you set up your pc to have and keep a static number? Just doing it in the router could cause problems.

Also, if you have windows XP SP2 and you have the firewall enabled, you'll need to allow the port in there too.

And as far as I'm aware, you only need to allow the port in TCP not UDP, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong on that.

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- I also set the starting and ending IP-addresses for DHCP of the DLink so that the static IP address is not in the range.

This just caught my eye too... as far as I was aware, if you're going to set up a static IP, all computers that share that router need to be static as well. In which case, you need to make sure your router recognizes that IP (I'm not sure how the settings are in DLink, I use Motorola) but you should disable the DHCP as well so it doesn't try to assign IPs.

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That isn't the case. I have one pc set up statically, then start my dhcp server one number above the static address (just like this guy).. Works fine if you know how to manually enter connection details.

Also steve, the router setup is basically irrelevant to setting up a static IP.. It actually works with conflict if you set it up within the bounds of your dhcp server.

Have you tried resetting your router?

What happens to me with utorrent is everything works fine for quite a while.. Then I'll notice nat/listen error (often speeds are still great).. If I decide I need to resolve the error I need to reboot my router (and sometimes my 98se pc)..

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Hey all,

I noticed too that it's uTorrent, not µ...

The PC is set up for a static IP-address(.157), outside the range of the DHCP (10-150). But for the moment I have just one PC connected to the router, so I don't think DHCP will cause problems.

No SP2 yet, Sygate firewall with port allowed.

I don't know neither if the port has to be forwarded in UDP, that's why I allowed both UDP and TCP.

Resetting the router. I suppose switching it off and back on is enough. My router is always switched off together with the pc, so in that case it's ok I think.

"Router cannot handle the amount of connections µTorrent requires?". How to check that?

Until now I didn't update the router's firmware. I'm a bit scared of that. I will have a look at that again.

Thanks for all comments, but no results until now.


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