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Queued Seed but not seeding utorrents 1.7 beta version


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µTorrent appears to be checking your torrents, as though it crashed on its last run and it needs to know if parts of the incomplete downloads are bad as a result.

Also, you probably don't have a connection that can sustain all those torrents seeding at once. Maybe not even able to sustain more than 1 or 2 at once if they are actually busy torrents with peers on them!

At the time of the screenshot, µTorrent is either firewalled or in indeterminate state because it just started running. Does it normally get the green circle at the bottom after a minute or 2?

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Till someone's BitTorrent client tries to connect to your ip, then µTorrent doesn't know if it's really firewalled or not.

It's like having a phone with a broken ringer...you won't know it's broken till someone tries to call and can't. (But how would they tell you till later?)

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