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url strings for search engines please?


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You can't add a search function for those sites since only one of them has a search service and that one works with _POST variables.

And please don't post links to torrent-archives distributing illegal torrents.

Edit: I see now that you can add a search for the second one in the list:

Just type "Sitename|http://domainname.org/search.php?search=" in "Other Options" in µTorrent. I won't name the site since I believe it will be edited out.

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To keep it simple:

In HTML there are 2 methods to send information to a form (like a searchengine)

one is callet POST

and the other is called GET

and for external requests you can only use the engines that use the GET method

It has nothing to do with µtorrent..it's just how HTML works. If you'd like to know more about it...check out the "form" tag in HTML


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