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red bar ... no seeds, but site says there are seeds


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I am a semi newbie ..... have used utorrent for the last 8 months or so ... with success!! I recently changed computers .. had to reload utorrent. Now i can't seem to get any torrents to download .. my settings are the same ..... i've tested my ports .... good ... it's not a firewall issue .... i am doing exactly what i have done hundreds of times in the past .... what else could the problem be??? I am getting my torrents from the same source ... it says there are 273 seeds/87 leechers .... etc ...... but when i start to load it ... red bar .. no peers .. no seeds

pls help ..... it's very frustrating

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thanks all ...... GTHK, i can get it to downloand from the link you posted and nowhere else .. does that make sense that all the sites i have been going to for almost the last year have all became unreliable at the same time ..... i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this one

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If it happens on more than one site, recheck your setup. http://utorrent.com/setup_guide.php

It's possible your ISP also started interfering with your connection. Is there a problem with the tracker(s) not showing connectable at the beginning? What about NO peers for a while? Did OOo start downloading immediately?

You should try reducing the settings following procedures in http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992

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If OO torrents work, then the problem is most likely with the torrents/trackers you're using unless, as jewelisheaven says, it's happening with multiple sites. Also torrents must have an availability ≥ 1 in order to complete it. Try finding alternatives on another site.

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thnk you both ..... after i was successful in getting a torrent to download from OO ... it kinda kick started the other torrents that i have had queued up with out seeds for days .... interesting .. any explanations for that guys?

and jewlishheaven after rechecking my setup .. it seems that my ISP was 'choking' my bandwidth ...... after enabling encryption .... much faster

you guys rock!

thanks sooooooooo much

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