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Better Support


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If you've got the cash I'm sure you could get all the personalized support you needed, billed in hourly increments. :P Besides, you got a lot more than one answer already, for free, from people trying to blindly troubleshoot something hardware-related that only happens to you.

Adding 5 more mods wouldn't get you an instant answer either. To be honest, if utorrent isn't playing kindly with your network hardware (which you haven't named) and other clients work fine, the best solution would be to stick with one that works.

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Hmm i do see what your saying but i dont think i explained what i was saying very good i know utorrent is free and doesnt really come with support and you guys do it to help for free but im sure there are hundreds of ppl willing to give up some of their spare time to help others thiis was just a idea say if u get a "support Team" together ppl who know uttorent inside-out

all i get from Firon is sarcastic comments and im not saying hes a bad mod maybe just if he was a little less sarcastic

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What you see at the forum is basically the sum total of most of the people who want to actively help support utorrent. An advertising campaign and whipping folks up to help more might get a few more involved for a while, but not more than that... besides, if hundreds of different people replied to every thread you'd never find anything useful. ^.~

Firon puts up with answering the same questions so many times a day that I'm surprised he isn't more sarcastic. :o

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He's just too damned bored I think, these days, almost everyone asks questions that have already been answered in the resident FAQ, just because they're too lazy to read the damned thing!

(shame on your nublets, shame on you!)

So, in light of that, I'd say he's VERY tolerant towards any newbies.

Had I been in his shoes, I would have written "RTFM and/or FAQ" and locked the thread.

(that is, those newbie threads where the answer is in the FAQ)

Also, I've noticed myself that if one asks a question vaguely, the answers will be of the same nature aswell. (so I learned the hard way aswell)

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