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Torrent Overlap / Conflicts


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I often have multiple torrents that contain the same files. It would be great to add some method of identifying which torrents are attempting to download to the same file. This does not have to 'allow' them to download simultaneously, but simply point out possible conflicts so that they can be easily resolved, IE, setting one of the torrents to not download the file. (for example, they are the same file but one might not be complete.. causing an ongoing "force re-check" battle.)

An alternative, and also another useful feature, would be the ability to search all torrents for basic file information. Name, size, extension, etc... that way the conflicting files can be found more easily.

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Previously requested, I mean it must be ><

uT does not allow downloading to the same directory for multiple torrents. It can seed as many torrents as you want from the same directory, but downloading defeats the purpose of write flags. Bittorrent doesn't care about files, only data segments. Any automated "scanning" of file hashing is needless overhead... increasing exponentially (whereby multiple hashing mechanisms are used) in a directory with gigs and gigs of data.

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