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Firefox browser issues


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Coming from azurues, i ve just installed the new version of utorrent. my issue is now that when utorrent is running my browser slows to a stand still ( pages take more than 5 minutes to load) slow. turn off utorrent and the page will load instantly. Any thoughts???

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right now i have 7 dl (15k)and 14 (4.9k)seeding, im sitting on a 5m cable line with 500k upload.I very sledom hit over 25-30 k down. i havent had more than 30 total torrents up or down since i started. Any decent speed ive ever seen came from one torrent that had high number of seeders. Seems wierd , im sure its something goofy. woudl going back a version make any difference??

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this was the info from the site:

Torrent Options-»Global Maximum Number of Connections: 200

Torrent Options-»Maximum Number of Connections Per Torrent: 50

Torrent Options-»Number of Upload Slots Per Torrent: 0

Torrent Options-»Use Additional Slots if under 90%: ticked Network Options-»Global Upload Speed:

Network Options-»Global Download Speed:

Seeding Priority-»Ratio: 150

Seeding Priority-»Seeding has higher priority: ticked

Seeding Priority-»Limit Upload when ration reached: ticked

Seeding Priority-»Limit Upload when ration reached: 5

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Torrent Options-»Global Maximum Number of Connections: 200

Torrent Options-»Maximum Number of Connections Per Torrent: 50

Torrent Options-»Number of Upload Slots Per Torrent: 0

Torrent Options-»Use Additional Slots if under 90%: ticked Network Options-»Global Upload Speed:

Network Options-»Global Download Speed:

Seeding Priority-»Ratio: 150

Seeding Priority-»Seeding has higher priority: ticked

Seeding Priority-»Limit Upload when ration reached: ticked

Seeding Priority-»Limit Upload when ration reached: 5


What_the_fuck?!? :mad: And you complain that you can't get decent speeds? Ahahaha!!! :lol: Damn...that's really sad. I think you just made baby Jesus cry... :/

Here's my recommendation:

● Global maximum upload rate (kB/s) = 47

● Global maximum download rate (kB/s) = 0

● Global maximum number of connections = 400

● Maximum number of connected peers per torrent = 75

● Number of upload slots per torrent = 5

√ Use additional upload slots if upload speed < 90%

● Turn off Limit Upload when ratio reached.

Patch your TCPIP.sys file to 100, then do this (don't forget to patch!)

● net.max_halfopen = 70

Now when you're done with that, let it run for a day or two before coming to your conclusion. There's a ton more information available in here. :)

edit: crummy settings, ps be nice :P

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well thank you for al the constructive help, before getting all pissy.... those setting were from a recommendation for a site that helps you with all you settings http://www.keloran.be/index.php?p=ut . i didnt post it i used it as another possible means to fix a problem. and of course it didnt work .if the site dosent work then post it accordingly and let those that recommend it also know it dosent work! I have now tried the new set of instructions to help with this problem if they dont work will i be making the baby jesus cry again???

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try this


it tells you the recommended settings for your speed

the advice it gives me on download/upload cap is so wrong.

I have 100mbit/10Mbit internet (D: 12,40MB/s - U: 1,24MB/s ),

it says I should cap it to: D: 9.1KB/s - U: 9KB/s

Plus the max number of connections and slots are way to low for me :P

Anyway, I don't have speed problems, I just wanted to comment on your site.

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