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Tracker saying 'offline (timed out)' even though I can ping it


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Hi guys,

I'm trying to download a torrent (well, torrents actually, all seem to have this issue). All torrents were working fine up until about 3 days ago. Fired these two up and nothing goes.

Check this out: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5404/utorrentqc7.jpg

uTorrent says timed out, yet I can ping it. If I go to the URL, I see 'Invalid Request' as expected. Demonoid trackers are saying 'connection closed by peer', again, I can ping and go to the tracker URL.

What is going on, and what is the next diagnostic step?

Also, why are the other things not allowed (like DHT)?


Tuesday may have been patch day... did you ever patch your tcpip.sys ?

Connecton closed by peer usually happens when you scrape/announce before the minimum interval.

Private torrents show what you've seen and in the picture. Private in uT denotes ONLY being able to get peers from the trackers in the tracker list.


I have no firewall on my computer, though I'm behind NAT.

I initially had a timeout with Demonoid, so I manually updated the tracker a couple of times, could this have done it?

I haven't patched that file. I've only hit even 4226 once tonight in the event viewer, though.


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