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Only Four?


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Ok so using utorrent I think it only limits me to seeding or leaching only four torrents at one time therefore torrent blahblahblah being the fifth one gets left out. I used to use limewire and you could like remove it but it'd stay in your "library" is there a way to do that or no?

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The number of active torrents at any one time depends on your connection's upload speed. Beyond a certain point, you saturate your connection and actually get worse performance (download and upload). If you're trying to download more than 4 at once, you really shouldn't be, unless you have a LOT of upload.

Torrents don't function like Limewire.

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ok first one max active is 4 max active download is three ratio is 150 and ignore unchecked and unchecked where do I turn off seeding has more priority?

I did do all the speed test things my DL was 322.88kbps / 40.80KBps and UL 106.80/ 13.35KBps is that all right I set the speed at 256 I think is that right as well?

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I hope you ran the speed tests with uTorrent and everything else internet-wise completely stopped.

Otherwise, your speed results are horribly bad. :(

Your download max is not alot faster than 256 kilobits/second...and your upload is less than half that!

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how do I stop everything else? This laptop is dumb and runs a million processes at once I can't be sure that one of them isn't connection to the internet.

New test results turning off everything I could ( I think)


KBps Kbps KBps Kbps

249.53 1996.24 52.41 419.28

Test Two


273.71 2189.68 52.33 418.64

And three

279.79 2238.32 52.27 418.16

What do I set my setting on now?

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